Craniosacral Therapy for Jaw Pain – Asheville, NC

Studies show that craniosacral therapy decreases jaw pain by 29% after only three sessions. Craniosacral therapy treats jaw pain, TMJ,  oral surgery, orthodontics, tinnitus, and sinusitis. Can craniosacral therapy help you? Keep reading to learn more.

Craniosacral therapy benefits all parts of the body and mind. Because this type of therapy targets down regulating the central nervous system, taking you out of fight or flight into a state of relaxation where natural healing can occur. This technique uses gentle touch of the head and spine through specific craniosacral therapy hand positions designed to gently realign the cranial bones, jaw, and spine.

The brain is protected by a pillow of cerebrospinal fluid, and this fluid flows through tissues surrounding the spine to create a cranial rhythm. Craniosacral therapy functions to cleanse this fluid of any inflammation or retristrictions that may hinder the body’s natural ability to heal itself.

But How does craniosacral therapy work? 

Craniosacral therapy works also with the Vagus Nerve which is the longest nerve in the body. The vagus nerve helps to regulate every system in the body including the nervous system, cardiovascular, digestion, respiratory, endocrine, etc. This energy reset can retrain the body to heal itself, and this type of healing can treat many ailments simultaneously. 

It also targets connective tissue throughout the entire body which can range from being soft gel to bone hard due to physical or emotional trauma, lack of sleep, and insufficient nutrition. The longer these issues go untreated, the more movement is restricted causing discomfort and pain. As its treated, improved function returns.

Are you curious if craniosacral therapy is right for you? Visit my craniosacral therapy page or Book a free 15 minute consultation .

Craniosacral Therapy and the Face

Perhaps the quickest response craniosacral therapy can have is on issues of the head and face. Some of the disorders craniosacral therapy can treat are jaw pain, TMJ, tinnitus, and sinusitis.

How Does Craniosacral Therapy Help Jaw Pain and TMJ?

Therapies such as energy healing and craniosacral therapy will loosen the ligaments around the temporomandibular joint (TMJ). When tension is released, craniosacral fascial therapy promotes:

  • Pain and tension relief

  • Productive nerve connections

  • Blood circulation, faster healing, and clearing of infcetion

  • The flow of lymphatic fluid

  • Stimulation and clearing of the meridians which are the energy channels of the body

Many studies provide detailed results before and after craniosacral therapy. A 2020 study found that, after only three craniosacral treatments over three weeks, spasms in eight muscles of the jaw decreased by 29%. The light manipulation of the head, neck, and face also reduced inflammation and infection. 

TMJ and other jaw pain issues are often fueled by emotional imbalances and stress. Your emotional state deregulates your nervous system which affects the entire body. The benefits of craniosacral therapy get to the holistic root of the problem rather than treating one issue at a time.

How Does Craniosacral Therapy Help Tinnitus and Sinusitis?

Because the bones of the head, face, jaw, sinuses connect so closely to the ear, craniosacral therapy can relieve:

  • Tinnitus

  • Ringing in the ears

  • Vertigo

  • Chronic Sinusitis

These issues are caused by your nervous system being stuck in the fight or flight mode, so one session may provide some relief. However, long term treatment makes a much more beneficial difference.

Sinus infections can be chronic, and multiple rounds of antibiotics just don’t do the trick. Surgery is an option, but the effects don’t last long compared to the high risks. Craniosacral therapy will clear your sinus passageways with as few as one session.

If you have one or more of the above health complications, Craniosacral Therapy may be able to help alleviate symptoms and ultimately facilitate the body’s natural healing. The only way to find out is to try it. I can even teach you how to do craniosacral therapy on yourself. Let’s meet to discuss getting your health back on track. Book a free 15 min consultation with me, Now!
