CRANIOSACRAL Therapy FOR Stress and Anxiety RELIEF

How does anxiety and stress show up in the body? Do you have fatigue and can’t sleep. Is your Digestion upset, or on overdrive? Are you anxious when anything doesn’t go as expected? Do you experience chronic headaches or migraines?

What it is

Craniosacral therapy is a light touch or distant healing technique that tunes in to quantum energy to begin to heal your body and nervous system on a cellular, and quantum level. Craniosacral therapy was developed by Osteopathic Physicians Dr. William Garner Sutherland in the 1930’s and further developed by Dr. John Upledger in the 1970’s. Dr. Upledger bagan doing research on children with Autism and found that they greatly benefitted from the craniosacral techniques he began using in his clinical work. The children began to have more interactions, less agitation, more sociable, and able to communicate. As he began using it in his clinic he noticed clients were healing from conditions such as

  • depression

  • pain

  • headaches

  • trauma

  • heart disease

How does craniosacral work to relieve stress AND ANXIETY?

This technique works to calm down your autonomic nervous system which causes your fight or flight system to be on overdrive. When this system is reset your body, starts to heal on every level. This automatically starts to relieve anxiety and stress that has been accumulated in the body, nervous system and energy body. This therapy works on the vagus nerve, spinal chord, brain, spine, and cranial bones in the skull to reset the nervous system and allow your healing to begin. You can see from the example that the autonomic nervous system touches every organ system in the body. Begin your healing journey today!




How to make healing Progress